Sonar Ranging is one of the most common forms of distance measurement used in Mobile Robotics and a variety of other applications. The principle is simple to understand, a speaker (Transducer) is used to emit a short burst of sound (Ping). The sound wave travels through the air and reflects off a target back to the Transducer (Echo). By measuring the Time of Flight between Ping and Echo detection, one can calculate the distance between the target and transudcer.
The Polaroid Corporation has developed the 6500 Sonar Ranging board and a series of Transducers which makes Sonar Ranging very simple. Interfacing to the 6500 Board is straigthtforward. The only hardware requirement is the ability to measure the Time of Flight which can usually be handled by a host Microcontroller or a simple clock and counter circuit. For application notes and source code see Tip #4 of the FAQ for the Polaroid 6500 Series Sonar sensor: href= .
Bill, You asked me to send you the documentation of the Polaroid Sonar sensors, more if i have some. Here is the place where I bought them: and a site which has some hints about them to get them working with the Lego Mobil Robot board of the MIT Class 6.270. For additonal sensors and accuator might these Stores of intrest: An very introduction for sensors and acuators the chapter on sensors in The 6.270 Robot Builder's Guide of Fred Maritn or The book Handbook of Modern Sensors by Jacob Fraden, Springer Verlag; ISBN: 1563965380 a good source. Enjoy Florian Vogt
CS 377B: HCI Technology Stanford University, Fall98 |
EE/CompE 2961: HCI Design San José State University, Fall98 |
CS 436: HCI Technology Princeton University, Fall98 |