primary components needed:
Figure 1 shows the basic circuit for use with the microphone cartridge. C1 = 1 µF. Using a 1 µF capacitor sounds the most natural; however, for more bass sound a 100 µF or 1000 µF is good. R1 = 2.2 kOhm.
Figure 2 shows some additions to the circuit diagram shown in figure 1. The components C2=1000 µF and R2=R1/10=220 Ohms are used to prevent clicks when attaching or detaching the battery from the circuit. C2=100µF is also good but allows more click sound. C2 less than 1µF doesn't prevent much clicking at all. Adding C2 and R2 will slightly lower the amplitude detection of high frequencies, but not greatly.
R3=100kOhm can be used to discharge the C1 capacitor to prevent clicks when plugging in the microphone. This resistor causes a somewhat noticeable decrease in higher frequencies.