Baxter, Larry K., "Capacitive Sensors; Design and Applications",
Institute of Electrical & Electronic Engineer; 1997. ISBN 0-78035-351-X
- Contains a comprehensive discussion about capacitive sensors.
Fraden, Jacob, "Handbook of Modern Sensors: Physics, Designs, and Applications".
2nd ed. New York: Springer Verlag; 1996. ISBN 1-56396-538-0 [TA165.F723]
- Discussion of many aspects of sensors, such as their physical principles,
accuracy, and interface electonic circuits. The chapters on sensors include:
position sensors, motion detectors, velocity and acceleration sensors,
force and strain sensors, pressure sensors, flow sensors, acoustic sensors,
moisture sensors, light detectors, radiation detectors, EMF detectors,
temperature sensors, and chemical sensors.
Graf, Rudolf F., editor, "Encyclopedia of Electronic Circuits". 7 volumes.
Blue-Ridge Summit, Pennsylvania: TAB Books; 1985-1997. ISBN 0-8306-1938-0
(vol. 1) [TK7867.G66]
- Lists circuit diagrams for a wide variety of uses. Circuits diagrams are
collected from many different sources and sorted by topic.
Graf, Rudolf F., "Measuring Circuits". Boston, Massachusetts: Newnes;
1997. ISBN 0-7506-9882-9 [TK7867.G67 1997]
- An collection of sensor-measuring circuits collected from the
Encyclopedia of Electronic Circuits mentioned above.
Phillips, Geoff, "Basic Electronic Facts". 2nd ed. Boston, Massachusetts:
Newnes; 1997. ISBN 0-7506-37900
- Beginners guide to what electonic components look like and what their
functions are.